Seamless Communication,
No Downloads Needed!

Seamless Communication,
No Downloads Needed!

Enabling Chat at Booking, not just while on property

Instant Access

Guests Discover at Booking

Guests can initiate chats as soon as they
book, providing a more efficient and
convenient way to communicate before
their arrival.

Guests can initiate chats as soon as they book, providing a more efficient and convenient way to communicate before their arrival.

This streamlines the process and enhances
their experience without the need to call the
Front Desk.

Options, Options, Options

Native SMS, WhatsApp, and our Signature In-Platform Chat

If they don’t have a chat app on their phone, they can still connect with your hotel using our
Signature In-Platform Web Chat, which works seamlessly on any phone, anywhere in the world

Upsell & Inform

Every Step of the Guest Journey

Enhance guest experiences by upselling, engaging, and informing
them throughout their journey.

Enhance guest experiences by upselling, engaging, and informing them throughout their journey.

Build a more personalized connection with your guests by
automating tailored messages at key touchpoints in their journey.

Build a more personalized connection with your guests by automating tailored messages at key touchpoints in their journey.

Track Staff Response Time

Effective chat communication relies on your staff’s responsiveness.
Our system tracks all incoming and outgoing messages, as well as response times,
empowering you to consistently enhance the guest communication experience

Effective chat communication relies on your staff’s responsiveness. Our system tracks all incoming and outgoing messages, as well as response times, empowering you to consistently enhance the guest communication experience

Realtime Translation

With our real-time chat translation, guests and
staff can communicate seamlessly in their preferred
languages, providing an additional layer to ensure
the best possible experience for your guests.

Multiple Dept. Chat Channels

With multi-channel chat, your staff no longer
needs to redirect messages or tasks. Guests can
directly send their requests to the appropriate
department, ensuring faster response times and more efficient execution.

Realtime Translation

With our real-time chat translation, guests and staff can communicate seamlessly in their preferred languages, providing an additional layer to ensure the best possible experience for your guests.

Multiple Dept. Chat Channels

With multi-channel chat, your staff no longer needs to redirect messages or tasks. Guests can directly send their requests to the appropriate department, ensuring faster response times and more efficient execution.